PHOTOS: Our Video Workshop For The BBB

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Social Media Attorney On Fired Alabama TV Reporter

The Flip Side interviews social media attorney Ruth Carter about the Alabama TV reporter who says she was fired for writing a blog.

The Flip Side Interviews Fired Alabama TV Reporter

The Flip Side interviews Alabama TV reporter Shea Allen, who says she was fired for writing a blog. [youtube][/youtube]

Our Video For The BBB About A Moving Company


Will Steak And Candy Ensure The Media Quote You?

You do not want to sound necessarily like a politician or create the same environment of cynicism. But politicians remind us that journalists almost always prefer a witty soundbite that [...]

FLASHBACK: Associated Press Awards Dinner

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Applaud Cheerios For Showing Family Few Others Will

If part of its audience can't accept parents whose faces are of different colors, a company need not worry too much about such customers.

PHOTO: Preparing To Shoot Interview In Tucson

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PHOTO: In Tucson After Shooting Client’s Video

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Will Newsrooms Learn From This?

The risk-reward factor is out of whack.

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