Media Training: Overshadowed By The Seat Of No One’s Pants

The day after Mitt Romney’s convention speech discussing how he can help families regain a fistful of dollars, I read more about Clint Eastwood and his chair than the Republican candidate. [...]

Media Relations: Improvements Some Journalists Should Make

Most reporters can probably take at least small steps on their own to improve these issues.

Media Relations: Three Sisters, Three Rabbis And CBS5

In this business, you must have much chutzpah

For Consumers: Ask Questions Before Paying For It

People will work to their advantage your lack of knowledge.

Media Training: Wear And Tear On Your On Camera Look

Invite an honest person to join you, someone who won't be afraid to tell you your lipstick is on your teeth, makeup is smudged, hair is out of place and sweat is making you shiny.

Crisis Communications: Making Angry Callers Happy After Negative News Stories

Even the angriest callers are willing to forgive a perceived wrong if a business communicates with them directly and genuinely tries to explain itself.

Media Relations: Don’t Do A Number On Journalists

Make your numbers stand out more by putting them in context.

Catching Up With Media And The Communications Industry About Chad Johnson

This episode raises questions about more than football.

Social Media: Don’t Show Me Your Mug

Breaking news: People will retweet and share your content if they like it especially if they are loyal customers, or in this case, readers.

Politics And The Media: Is The Paul Ryan Pick Any More Important Than Preseason Football?

Every four years, when a presidential candidate announces his VP pick, the media analyzes the choice until someone waves a new shiny object in front of their faces.

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