The Flip Side of the pitch: spreading the news to employees

The carefully crafted news release and media pitch should have an “equal and opposite” pitch for employees.

Using your location to enhance your pitch to journalists

Where is this interview going to take place?

5 tips on choosing who at the company should give interviews

Plenty of minds that excel at business and are attached to fancy titles don't do well in interviews.

5 things to move when shooting video (#5 is fake pheasants)

Missing these items sometimes is easy.

Attracting the attention of bloggers and journalists

Sometimes your business must position itself as a voice on an indirectly related news event or trend.

Setting up to shoot video of executives in a studio


Listen to us speak on how to increase your chances of obtaining media coverage

Identifying your company’s newsworthy story angle

Watch our video shot nearly one mile underground

Properly preparing for an experience of a lifetime

14 ways to get a reporter to quickly delete your pitch

The following 14 phrases are from real emails I received from PR pros who wanted me to cover their stories.

Why newsrooms can’t help but brag

I want news stations offering me something no one else can.

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