To Seduce the Media, Shorter is Better

When Keith pitches a story idea in a morning news meeting, it’s as if he’s staring into a countdown timer with big red numbers and everyone around the table is slowly drifting into their own [...]

PR Is Like A Magic Show

A communications firm emails a reporter a story pitch. The reporter pitches the idea to managers and producers at a morning news meeting. One of the producers expresses interest, but it’s [...]

Making Employees Feel Part of the Team

I was walking with a co-worker when she acknowledged she should be back at her desk meeting a fast approaching deadline. She asked me why she didn’t care. I knew why. Shareholders and [...]

Don’t Do The Lingo

I call it The Flip Side because I offer both external and internal communications. My writing typically spotlights one or the other. But here’s an opportunity to kill two blogs with one [...]