In Video Production
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In this picture, I’m shooting video for Crisis Response Network of Southern Arizona. One of our important responsibilities was to build an engaging video without unintentionally identifying anyone turning to the center for help due to a crisis. Businesses and organizations are full of private and proprietary information they wouldn’t want the public to see. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Can viewers identify people in the background who are not part of the video?
  2. Can viewers read information on computer screens in the video?
  3. Can viewers read paperwork on desks or hanging on walls?
  4. Is it OK for viewers to recognize other employees in the background who are not the main focus of the video?
  5. Does audio of employees at their desks or on the phone include any information (names, numbers, addresses) that would identify people or organizations?
  6. Does any of the video show telephones that might display caller id and someone’s telephone number?
  7. Does the video show any license plate numbers?
  8. Does any “file” video inadvertently link outside organizations to this video?
  9. Does the video show any areas of the facility that the organization would not want the public to see?
  10. Did you ask someone to double check the video in case you missed any of the above concerns?

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